The word "marriage" occurs 597 times in the online translation of JP2's Theology of the Body . The word "nuptial" occurs 126 times: that's 723 references to marriage by name alone, not counting the overall context, for the concept marriage permeates this work, even when the word "marriage" or "nuptial" is not being used. In fact, the official title of John Paul II's Wednesday Audiences is The Redemption of the Body and Sacramentality of Marriage. By contrast, the word "sex" occurs 161 times, and the vast majority of those times the word "sex" is used to mean "gender", "sex" in the sense of "male" or "female". When it comes to "sexual activity", the phrase "conjugal act" or "marital act", meaning sexual intercourse between spouses, are used a combined 42 times. The contrasting concept, sex which violates the bond of marriage, is "adult...
Godot has finally arrived - but he's a multi-level marketing salesman and you can't get him to shut up.