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Showing posts from April, 2014

"Let's Talk about Sex" Sells Better than "Let's Talk about Marriage"

The word "marriage" occurs 597 times in the online translation of JP2's Theology of the Body .  The word "nuptial" occurs 126 times: that's 723 references to marriage by name alone, not counting the overall context, for the concept marriage permeates this work, even when the word "marriage" or "nuptial" is not being used.  In fact, the official title of John Paul II's Wednesday Audiences is The Redemption of the Body and Sacramentality of Marriage. By contrast, the word "sex" occurs 161 times, and the vast majority of those times the word "sex" is used to mean "gender", "sex" in the sense of "male" or "female". When it comes to "sexual activity", the phrase "conjugal act" or "marital act", meaning sexual intercourse between spouses, are used a combined 42 times.  The contrasting concept, sex which violates the bond of marriage, is "adult...

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and My Little Pony

Jeff Ostrowski of Corpus Christi Watershed not long ago published this in one of his posts ... COMPOSER   DAN   SCHUTTE ,  formerly a Jesuit priest, published a musical setting in 2012 of the  Glory To God  which has been widely criticized because it  changes the words . To me, however, something else is even more problematic. Please listen to these brief excerpts and see if you can guess what I’m getting at:        * *    “Glory To God”  • Refrain by Dan Schutte        * *    “My Little Pony”  • Mp3 Audio Excerpt Am I crazy, or is this resemblance jarring?  Readers, click on the two links.   GLORY TO GOD IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE MY LITTLE PONY THEME, ONLY WORSE! Jeff goes on to say, "I have absolutely nothing against Schutte, who is incredibly accomplished and literally world-famous." Well, I have quite a lot against Dan Schutte. ...

Theology of the Body Isn't about Sex: It's about Identity

Another in my series:  The Real Theology of the Body , continued. That is to say, what is the Theology of the Body according to Bl. John Paul II and not according to the pop-Catholic peddlers of skewed interpretations of it? The pop perversion of TOB errs not only in focusing exclusively on sex, but in focusing on a very narrow image of man.  The kind of man in the Westian view of the Theology of the Body is a man who lives on the level of appetite, and who spends a lot of time spiritualizing an appetite that remains, in the end, a mere appetite, a base hunger dressed up in church robes. But JP2's vision of man is of a man much more whole and complete than that. This is what is impressing me most about JP2's TOB.   Man is a whole in John Paul's vision.  He is a complex, mature, complete and multi-layered being, for whom lust is a sin, but that sin does not define him; a man for whom sex is part of his destiny, but not the whole of his destiny.  JP2's ma...