This picture actually has to do with the story and it not merely gratuitous . Read on! This is a true story told to my actress and me by one of our friends on the road last week. I have changed the names to protect the innocent, and also because I don't remember the actual names, anyway. Larry was married to Ruth, and one day Larry found out that he needed a new kidney or he'd die. Ruth prevailed upon her brother Steve, who agreed to donate one of his good kidneys to Larry. Larry received his brother-in-law's good kidney, and it saved his life. But Larry started having an affair with the recovery room nurse from the hospital where he received his transplant . Within two weeks, Larry moved out and dumped his wife, whose brother had just saved his life. The brother-in-law and the wife sued Larry, claiming that there was an implied contract involved, and that the implication at a minimum was that Larry would be faithful to his wife and stay with ...
Godot has finally arrived - but he's a multi-level marketing salesman and you can't get him to shut up.