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Showing posts from December, 2012

A False Concord

So a group called Patriotic Christian Quotes posts this chart on Facebook ...     And my comment on their Facebook post was this ... The Scriptures have nothing to do with science, and this chart stretches the point. It is very dangerous for Christians to think that the Bible teaches the truth about physics or biology. It teaches a far deeper truth, and the more we confuse the iss ue, the harder it is for us to show that Faith and Reason go together. Take the first item on the chart, for example. Isaiah 40:22 in no way asserts that the earth is a sphere. The ancient Hebrews believed the earth was a round disk floating on water, with the sky pitched as a tent about it. They were wrong about geology, but right about God. This chart is well intentioned but very wrong headed.   And, naturally, I was more or less excoriated by others commenting after me.  One lady said, Science now is proving that what the bible says is true, and always has been....

What It's Like Dealing with Actors and Actresses

[NOTE - these are actual emails concerning a show the actress in question had agreed to perform on New Year's Eve, five days from today, for actual money.  It's really rather humorous.  This is what I deal with in my business.] ----------------------- Original Message ----------------------- From:  NAME OF ACTRESS  <[name withheld]> To: Cc: Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 09:55:19 -0800 Subject: Hi Its [NAME OF ACTRESS]. Just got a message from your wife. Im emailing on my gmail account because you dont seem to be getting emails from my yahoo account. I emailed you back in nov saying i couldnt do the show. Then i got an email from you sending the script and asking if I was still doing the show I wrote you back and said that I had sent you an email back in November saying I couldn't. Now I have got a call from your wife asking if I was doing the show. My concern is you aren't getting my email so I'm writ...

A Trio of Triolets

For if you follow your vocation As priest or husband (it's a toss up), Up will fly your jubilation - For if you follow your vocation You will bend and take your cross up, Every day, and that's your calling: For if you follow your vocation You just may find it dull, appalling. *** Today I pray my tenth novena, I love to pray it very slowly To Rome I'll die in the arena! Today I pray my tenth novena. Than thou I have become more holy I'll show my faith off, here and now! Today I pray my tenth novena, And I am holier than thou. *** Make every little thing be just Exactly right and not askew I don't like messes, so I must Make every little thing be just The way I want it; that means you. Lord, he's not perfect, nor is she. Make every little thing be just, But just make sure it just ain't me

The Biggest Threat

The single biggest threat to "serious Christians" or "Devout Catholics" is this. We really think our "walk with Christ" makes us better than all those other folk who are not walking with Christ, but who are simply wandering about and bumping into things. Take for example, two women. One is very religious and makes frequent devotions and is certain that she is never in the wrong - because, well for one thing she's so darned and deliberately Good.  Another has fallen from the faith - and from other things - promiscuous, a bit of a mess on the inside, has been around the block once or twice and is probably even now somewhere in the alley trying to find her way home. You'll find when the Trial comes, that the first can not be trusted.  But the second will die for you.  And, really, for Him.

Juggling Midgets

[The following first appeared in my murder mystery newsletter in October of 2000.  It is entirely true.] Here at Upstage Productions , we often get unusual calls for unusual entertainment.   Most of the time, we respond with as much professionalism as we can muster, in the hopes of closing the sale.     However, when a group of frat boys want a juggling midget, all bets are off .   The following is an actual transcript (from memory) of a conversation I had recently with a young eager Washington University student, who had called Upstage Productions, and left a message requesting a juggling midget (I am not making this up ) to perform at a Friday night frat party.     Of course we don't offer juggling midgets, but I thought I'd have some fun.    I called the frat boy back, and the conversation went as follows ... ***   KEVIN:   ( using my midget voice )   Yeah, you lookin’ for a midget? ...

The Road to Heck

Twice today on Facebook, I've come across commenters who are offended by the words "damn" and "hell".  My response to those who use such vile and vulgar speech ... What the hell?  Your damned foolish use of foul language is just the sort of thing to darn your soul to heck.