The Emperor has no clothes on. He's naked for all to see, but not all want to see it. The World's Most Zealous Defender of Christopher West writes Is it "possible" to look upon someone naked not your spouse without lust? Not only is it "possible"--it's "required" for purity of heart. It's *necessary* that we be able "see rightly" in this regard if ever we are to pass through the active and passive purgation of the senses and toward the deeper "illuminative way" of the spiritual life. Now he's not saying merely that lust is a sin and that we should mortify it. He's saying that in order to approach mystical union with God, one is required to look at naked ladies without lust. That's your homework, in other words. Get to it.
Godot has finally arrived - but he's a multi-level marketing salesman and you can't get him to shut up.