CONCUPISCENCE - Fallen man's proclivity to sin, especially in matters of sex. How Christopher West and his followers say we should handle concupiscence. Engage it, especially by confronting and indulging near occasions of sin (or what weaker minds would call near occasions of sin). If you see a naked person who is not your spouse, stare at him or her. (In Fr. Loya's memorable admonition, "Look at her butt! Look at her breasts!") If you're afraid that in doing so, your lust will be stirred, that's only because you're a coward. The only way through the purgative way to the illuminative way - the only way from beginner's spirituality to advanced spirituality - is to see naked bodies, to stare at them, and to transform your lust into love. This sounds sordid, but it's highly advanced and spiritual. How St. John Paul II says we should handle concupiscence. If we indulge concupiscence, we end up sinning, turning the prophetic lan...
Godot has finally arrived - but he's a multi-level marketing salesman and you can't get him to shut up.